Wood Banks and Fuel Poverty in Maine

Wood Banks and Fuel Poverty in Maine

NO ONE SHOULD HAVE TO CHOOSE BETWEEN HEATING AND EATING By Hope Light It’s easy to dismiss heating fuel poverty in July, especially as we are mere weeks removed from the heat dome that lingered overhead, resulting in sweltering temperatures across the country’s eastern half. But if you think back a bit further, you’ll likely…

A Forest For Everyone, Managed By Women
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A Forest For Everyone, Managed By Women

Written By: Kayci Willis  A Tree Farm near Brownville is gaining attention for being managed entirely by women. Williamsburg Forest, a 180-acre educational forest maintained by the Piscataquis Soil and Water Conservation District (PSWCD), features over 2 miles of interconnected trails and remarkable property highlights, including legacy white pine trees, vernal pools, and old homesteads….

Northern Woodlands Explores Forest Carbon

Northern Woodlands Explores Forest Carbon

Illustrations by Erick Ingraham By Hope Light What role do forests play in mitigating climate change? Northern Woodlands Magazine set out to answer this question through a yearlong series, Managing Carbon for Northeastern Forests, which launched in their Spring 2023 issue to guide forest landowners and other forest managers on how they can care for…

Managing Beech for Resiliency to Pests and Pathogens at the Wildlands
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Managing Beech for Resiliency to Pests and Pathogens at the Wildlands

Third in the Maine Forest Climate Change Webinar & Field Tour Series, Maine’s Forest Climate Change Initiative (FCCI) hosted an interactive webinar and field tour at the Great Pond Mountain Conservation Trust’s (GPMCT) Wildlands, which focused on forest pests and pathogens. Recipient of the 2023 Maine Outstanding Tree Farmer Award, the GPMCT Wildlands is described as “a place where you may see a moose while mountain biking, an osprey while paddling along a pristine shore, or enjoy an amazing view from more than one mountain

2023 Year in Review
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2023 Year in Review

At Maine TREE Foundation, forest-based education and workforce development were key themes in 2023. With a dedicated and creative staff, we accomplished a great deal toward our mission of educating and advocating for the sustainable use of the forest and the ecological, economic, and social health of Maine’s Forest communities. We can’t do this alone,…

Climate Change, Beetles, and Fire at the Waterboro Barrens Preserve
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Climate Change, Beetles, and Fire at the Waterboro Barrens Preserve

FCCI visits the Waterboro Barrens Preserve Written by: Gavriela Mallory The fourth year of Maine’s Forest Climate Change Initiative (FCCI) kicked off this fall with a field tour of the Waterboro Barrens Preserve. The FCCI webinar and field trip series is a collaborative effort between Maine TREE Foundation, the Forest Stewards Guild, and UMaine’s Center…

Immersive Education in the Maine Woods

Immersive Education in the Maine Woods

Mark Savage (far left) with students in Brewer’s Forestry Immersion program A New Summer Program Supports Students and Maine’s Future Forest Economy Written by: Logan Johnson On a cool August morning, high school students, with their instructor, thoughtfully assessed the breakdown. Visitors were coming, and they wanted the equipment running well to show off all…

Empowering the Future of Maine’s Forests
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Empowering the Future of Maine’s Forests

Old Town Elementary third-graders at NELA Logging Expo in Bangor Written by: Gavriela Mallory Investment in green workforce development in Maine is growing. As the baby boomer generation reaches retirement age, there is an increasing need for young adults across natural resource industries. In the forestry sector, in particular, 37% of the 2020 workforce will…

The Importance of Maine’s Family Forest Owners
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The Importance of Maine’s Family Forest Owners

Forestry 101 participants at Blue Hill Mountain. Written by Gavi Mallory Family-owned woodlots comprise over 30% of Maine’s forest, more than a quarter of the state’s total area. As climate change, a growing population, and a shifting forest economy feed conversations about the future of the Maine woods, family forests are a significant piece of…

UMaine’s Forest Climate Change Initiative Builds Connections for  Scientists and Land Managers

UMaine’s Forest Climate Change Initiative Builds Connections for Scientists and Land Managers

At the University of Maine’s Center for Research on Sustainable Forests, a group of scientists from academia and private institutions have come together to form the Forest Climate Change Initiative (FCCI). The purpose of FCCI is to build connections among researchers, scientists, stakeholders, legislators, and the interested public on climate change issues around forests. Despite…