Since the summer of 1986, we have conducted annual tree seedling counts at the Holt Research Forest (HRF). This yearly count allows us to understand regeneration dynamics in the forest; what trees have the most productive germination, and which tree species are reproducing most efficiently under a given season's forest conditions. Comparing seedling counts year to year enables us to begin studying and understanding what kinds of forest conditions yield the best reproductive results for varying tree species, providing valuable insight into the health and future of our forest.

We count tree seedlings in small 1x1m plots along specific transect lines in our forest. These lines, called S-1 transects, are two 600m west-east lines along the southernmost 1m wide strip of the S-10s. In the initial sampling year, we counted all 600 plots along the S-1 transect. Now, we count only every fifth plot because counting is lengthy. To conduct the seedling counts, a 1x1m transect (a square frame used to establish borders) is placed over the plot, and only seedlings rooted within the transect are counted. A height stick is placed along with the transect to allow samplers to place each seedling into a height class (1 = <0.1m, 2 = 0.1 - 0.499m, 3 = 0.5 - 2m, 4 = >2m and <1.5cm diameter-at-breast-height (DBH)). The seedling species are also recorded using Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) and HRF species codes.

For tree seedling counts, one dataset is available for download as a CSV file at the Holt Research Forest data archive on the Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative (FEMC) website ( The data set is ongoing and currently contains 16201 observations. Visit the Holt Research Forest data archive to learn more about our Annual Tree Seed Collection datasets and metadata!