Bill Taylor is a conventional logger in Southern Maine and the current Certified Logging Professional Program Advisory Committee Chair. He has been logging for 45 years, and he began by driving a dump truck on old logging roads. He started working for St. Regis Paper Company and discovered his love for working in the woods. He planted trees and more, then picked up a chainsaw and never put it down! Finally, he found what he was meant to do. In 1981 he started his own company with just a dump truck and never looked back!
He worked with only a tractor for 15 years before he added a skidder. He is an independent operator with no employees in one of the most dangerous industries in Maine.

Bill became a CLP in 1992 when Cliff Foster & Charlie Chandler suggested joining. He is happy he joined because CLP is very safety-minded, and he says it has changed how he cuts wood. He believes in the future of CLP because it is a good safety program, and no other program can match it. Bill encourages young loggers to join CLP to become more safety conscious when working in the woods. He is proud to be a CLP and shares his safety practices with anyone he can. For example, his son-in-law recently asked him to teach him how to run a chainsaw, and Bill said absolutely, once you have all the safety equipment – chaps, hardhat, etc. Safety is what Bill lives and breathes in the woods!