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Kayci Willis

69th Annual Forestry Field Days Recap

2024 Outstanding Tree Farmers Larry and Barbara welcome the community to their forest.

In 1981, Larry Beauregard set out with the intention of purchasing about 10 acres of woodland for his family to enjoy. As his wife Barbara tells it, he comes home later that day, and she asks, “How did it go?” Larry says, “Great! I bought 120 acres!”

Maine Tree Farm Program Chair Jesse Duplin awards Outstanding Tree Farm of the Year winners Larry and Barbara Beauregard.

Photo credit: Logan Johnson, Executive Director, Maine TREE Foundation

Since then, Larry and Barbara have been managing Beauregard Woodlands for a variety of purposes, including forest products, wildlife viewing, and recreational opportunities. They are dedicated woodland owners, actively participating in landowner education groups to connect with other woodland owners, implementing several community science programs, hosting educational opportunities to share their experiences, and even taking college courses to learn more about how to become better stewards of their property. After 40 years of stewardship and contributions to the community, they were aptly named the 2024 Outstanding Tree Farmers of the Year. Fellow landowners, foresters, and forest enthusiasts gathered on their woodlot to celebrate this achievement in early September at the 69th Annual Forestry Field Day Celebration.

The 2024 Forestry Field Day, organized by the Maine Tree Farm Program in partnership with the Maine Woodland Owners Association, featured several informative tours showcasing the exemplary forest management practice the Beauregards have implemented. The tours focused on the four aspects of the Tree Farm sign: wood, water, wildlife, and recreation, providing valuable insights into sustainable forest management. 

Caption: David Wardrop, consulting forester for Larry and Barbara, talks to participants about forest management, including timber harvesting, wildlife habitat preservation, and overall ecosystem health. Photo Credit: Jennifer Hicks, Maine Woodland Owners Association

Participants learned about the many projects Larry has tackled himself and those that utilized professional assistance. Larry and his consulting forester, Dave Wardrop from Golden Forestry Services Inc., led a forest management tour of the property. Having worked together for 20 years on the property, the duo had plenty to talk about. Their tour showcased the most recent commercial harvest sites: a 3-acre overstory removal patch cut, 12 acres of marked crop tree release, and a 30-acre selection harvest designed to improve forest health.

Meanwhile, five other tours set out to dive deep into Maine Tree Farm Program’s other focus areas: water, wildlife, and recreation. Chuck Penney from the Natural Resources Conservation Service led a tour of the Beauregards' water management projects. Larry and Barbara have implemented several NRCS-supported projects that reduce erosion and protect water quality, such as installing culverts and bridges. Beauregard Woodlands contains several water features and has been impacted by the activities of a neighboring beaver, making water management an essential component of the property’s forest management plan.

IF&W Biologist Sarah Spencer discusses managing woodlots for wildlife habitat with Forestry Field Day participants.

Photo credit: Jennifer Hicks, Maine Woodland Owners Association

During the forestry for wildlife tour, Sarah Spencer from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife discussed the different methods Larry and Barbara used to improve wildlife habitat. Their property has seen a variety of wildlife ranging from your common turtles, songbirds, and foxes to coyotes, piebald deer, and even black bears. 

Gabe LeMay and Brittany Schappach from the Maine Forest Service Forest Health Division led a Forest Pests and Disease tour. During the walk, they discussed common pest and disease threats, highlighted signs and symptoms to watch out for, and provided practical insights into monitoring activities. 

Maine Forest Service District Foresters Allyssa Gregory, Jared Gregory, and Michael Jensen hosted a forest measurement and tree identification walk. They taught participants how to measure DBH, tree height, and tree age and pick out the characteristics and techniques that simplify identifying tree species.

Larry Beauregard proudly showcases his pollinator plot, blooming with many of the 90 native wildflowers he planted.

Photo credit: Kayci Willis, Maine TREE Foundation

Jeremy Markuson from the Natural Resource Conservation Service emphasized the importance of planting pollinator-friendly plants. He showcased Larry’s pollinator plot, a decommissioned landing site that Larry planted with over 90 species of native wildflowers, several of which were in full bloom during the event. 

When participants were not on a tour, they had the opportunity to visit the exhibitor's tent. The tent featured 15 local organizations that offer support and educational opportunities to private landowners who are interested in managing their woodlands. The exhibitors provided attendees with information and resources to help them follow in Larry and Barbara's footsteps.

After the morning tours, the group gathered for the award presentation in front of the barn Larry and Barbara cleaned out for the event, a testament in and of itself. Zach Schmesser, District Representative for Congressman Jared Golden’s office, kicked off the ceremony by reading a letter of congratulations, commending Larry and Barbara for their unwavering commitment to sustainably managing Beauregard Woodlands. 

State Forester Patty Cormier also shared some remarks. Having visited Beauregard Woodlands prior to the event, she recounted her walk around the property with Larry and Barbara. Patty highlighted the incredible dedication the Beauregards have shown in managing their woodlot and emphasized how truly outstanding they are. 

Maine Tree Farm Program presents long-time inspecting forester and board member Vite Vitale with the Lifetime Achievement Award. Photo credit: Jennifer Hicks. Maine Woodland Owners Association

Vite Vitale, a long-time Maine Tree Farm Program champion, inspecting forester, and board member, was also awarded at Forestry Field Day. After decades of support and contribution to Tree Farm, Vite has retired from the Board. The Maine Tree Farm Program gave him our heartfelt gratitude for his service with a Lifetime Achievement Award. 

The 69th Annual Forestry Field Day Celebration honored Larry and Barbara Beauregard's outstanding stewardship of Beauregard Woodlands and highlighted the importance of sustainable forest management and community engagement. Larry and Barbara's journey from acquiring 120 acres of woodlands to becoming the 2024 Outstanding Tree Farmers of the Year is an inspiring testament to the impact that passionate and informed landowners can have on their environment and community.

The Maine Tree Farm Program would like to thank our co-coordinators, the Maine Woodland Owners Association, for their dedication to helping us celebrate our Outstanding Tree Farm of the Year winners. The Maine Tree Farm Program is also thankful for our planning committee members: Kevin Allcroft, Jennifer Dann, David Irving, Nicole Rogers, Allyssa Gregory, David Wardrop, and CJ Herlihy, without which this event would not have been possible. Lastly, a special thank you to our volunteers, Jake Maier, Mia Bellemare, Peter Herrick, Mike Dann, Kirby Ellis, Andy Shultz, Jason McLellan, Si Balch, McKenna Chappell, Victoria Stepeck, Emma Alexander, and Adam Pease, who helped set up, run errands, clean up, and ensured the event ran smoothly. 


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